Creating End-to-End Tests with CodeceptJS and Playwright: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

Creating End-to-End Tests with CodeceptJS and Playwright: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

  1. First, you'll need to install CodeceptJS. You can do this by running the following command:
npm install -g codeceptjs
  1. Next, you'll need to install the Playwright adapter for CodeceptJS. You can do this by running the following command:
npm install -D @codeceptjs/playwright
  1. Once you have both CodeceptJS and the Playwright adapter installed, you can create a new test project by running the following command:
codeceptjs init
  1. This will prompt you to select a testing framework and an adapter. Choose "playwright" as the adapter, and "mocha" as the testing framework.

  2. Next, you'll need to configure your tests. You can do this by modifying the codecept.conf.js file that was created in the root of your project.

  3. In the configuration file, you'll need to specify the browser that you want to use for your tests. You can do this by setting the browser property in the playwright configuration section. For example:

exports.config = {
  tests: './tests/*_test.js',
  output: './output',
  helpers: {
    Playwright: {
      url: 'http://localhost',
      browser: 'chromium', // or 'firefox', 'webkit'
  include: {
    I: './steps_file.js'
  bootstrap: null,
  mocha: {},
  name: 'codeceptjs-playwright-tutorial',
  plugins: {
    retryFailedStep: {
      enabled: true
    screenshotOnFail: {
      enabled: true
  1. With the configuration in place, you're now ready to start writing tests. You can create a new test file by running the following command:
codeceptjs gt
  1. This will create a new test file in the tests directory. You can then use the I object, which is an instance of the Playwright helper, to interact with the web page.

  2. Here's an example of a simple test that navigates to a website and checks the title of the page:

Feature('Example'); Scenario('test something', (I) => { I.amOnPage(''); I.seeInTitle('Example'); });
  1. To run your tests, simply run the following command:
codeceptjs run

That's it! You now have a basic end-to-end test suite set up using CodeceptJS with Playwright. You can find more information about writing tests and using the Playwright helper in the CodeceptJS documentation.

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